The Journey Expressed

Episode 56 - Delight and Wonder - Part 1

Jenn & Mel Season 3 Episode 56

In this episode, Jenn and Mel share part 1 of what they felt God put on their hearts recently about delight and wonder. 

We define these terms and share scripture about delighting in God 

Mark 4/Matthew 13- Parable of the sower and the soils
Psalm 37:4

Quote: “How can Christians “delight” themselves in the Lord?  True delight in Him causes us to take our sights off what we want in order to long for what He desires. When we seek fulfillment in Christ, we will live true lives of delight.  The concept of delighting in God is closely intertwined with intimacy with God. A desire for more of His presence. We want to know more, feel more, experience more, worship Him more, converse with Him more, and find more freedom from sin.”  “Delighting in the Lord is a verb. We take action to have joy in Christ”

Jenn and Mel talk about ways that they delight in the Lord

Link for Tim Willard's Book:
Beauty Chasers: Recapturing the Wonder of the Divine 

Come back next week and join us for Part 2 as we continue our conversation on Delighting in the Lord and how He delights in us.